As a security manager, can you ensure that your security officers do the right thing at the right time? When I asked myself this question years ago, the answer was a clear yes. Of course I can. My officers are well trained; they know their instructions and procedures and they know their way around the site, the buildings and the organisation.
Unfortunately, in reality this is often not the case. The moment an incident occurs, people are making incomprehensible mistakes and targets are not met.
More responsibilities are assigned to security personnel and they are more and more on the frontline having to cope with growing threats. To keep security staff well-prepared for these changes a bespoke practice and training programme is essential.
To ensure that security staff can act in the correct manner under any circumstance, practice and training is necessary. This book is a guide for developing a training programme for security staff in order to train the skills they need to carry out their duties.
The programme consists of modules that can be used separately, dependent on the tasks and responsibilities of your team in your organisation.
Be Prepared for the Unexpected
ISBN: 978-90-816043-3-8
Author Jan van Twillert CPP CSP cATO
Typeset and cover design by Centre of Experts
Layout and editing by Security Press BV
Printed by Boerenboom Grafische Bedrijven BV
© Copyright 2011 Security Press BV | Centre of Experts